1. Be myself.

2. Be less fearful.

3. Be more daring.

4. Be more active.

5. Be slow to speak.

6. Be able to say "no."

7. Be willing to not feel guilty.

8. Be more loving.

9. Be less selfish.

10. Be stern but kind.

11. Be a delegator.

12. Be willing to learn from mistakes.

13. Be a leader.

14. Be organized.

* anti-depressants and related medication

* suicide

* self-injury

* treatment

* support

"Jack of all trades, master of none"

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" - Eleanor Roosevelt

"Be nice to everyone; you never know how you'll end up seeing them again" - My cousin Peggy

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Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

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Monday, July 10

Heart problems to gubernatorial races

The Baltimore Examiner highlights the increasing awareness doctors have about heart patients.

Vital stats:

  • Older white men are most at-risk for suicide
  • Three main factors lead to suicide: health, income and social support
  • Older people who have recently lost a spouse or feel financially unstable are also at increased risk for suicide
  • People over 65 who have health problems and cannot be as active as they once were are at a high risk for suicide
  • People who have had heart surgery are at a higher risk for depression

The Washington Times ran a story on gubernatorial candidate Doug Duncan, who dropped out of the Maryland race due to depression. Duncan cites a family history of fighting the disease. This serves as a prime example for me — to cut back when doing too much. To be honest, I can’t say I would have done the same thing. I probably would have run myself ragged before bowing out gracefully. I should know: I do it much too often. This article just reminds me that I need to learn my limits — external and self-imposed.

I found this
college piece from Brigham Young University quite interesting. Writer Elizabeth Adkins cites depression.com’s statistic that “6 percent of adults encounter depression in any given year.”

“This is a mind-body-spirit plan. You can’t get better without working on all three.” – Brant Slade, bishop of the NYU 117th Ward

This is where I’d butt heads with atheists — I believe that taking care of the spirit nurtures the physical and mental health of a person. Pick your spiritual remedy: being “one” with nature, worshipping a higher power or getting in touch with your inner self — it all adds up to equal a better well-being.

“Some people think holistic is quackery. It depends on your beliefs. ” – Dr. Lorraine Davis, psychiatrist at the BYU Health Center

This final quote is certainly worth a mention:

“Just because something is natural does not mean it is safe.” – Depression.com

I do prefer herbal and supplemental treatments but natural treatments do have the potential to conflict with prescription medication. Tell a doctor if you are taking natural supplements in conjunction with prescription medication or before beginning prescription medication. If something is working, let your doctor know as well — it’s possible it might work for someone else.

The American Journal of Psychiatry reports that omega-3 fatty acids can help kids with depression. Pediatric depression is something I have little knowledge about. How is a child determined to be clinically depressed? How young is too young? (Reuters)

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